Unprecedented in size and sophistication, the Noble Center is a graceful giant in the skyline, opening up views of the silhouettes of surrounding buildings, and the three major intersections; Stanley Esplanade, Champion Parade, and Musgrave Street. Construction is set to conclude in August, 2019. The building itself is a vertical extension of an entrance lobby, parking, and a multi-functional lounge, in addition to the office spaces at a total height of 95.6 meters. Conceived by China Railway Engineering Group (PNG) Noble Real Estate Co. Limited, the Nobel Center is a 23-storey nirvana of living, working and recreation worth over K550 million, and dominates a significant portion of land overarching Port Moresby’s Fairfax Harbour. The building sits on a 1,808 square meter of area, enclosed by a construction area of 29,125 square meters (also the gross floor area). The Noble Center was designed to allow for the development of approximately 2 basements, a below ground floor, 23 above ground floors, dual reception areas, and 7 commercial areas.  

Well Positioned

Top of the City

Green Concept

Convenience Redefined

Office Space

Best Views

Well Positioned

Nestled in the core area of downtown, the building is connected with three major city roads, Stanley Esplanade, Champion Parade and Musgrave Street, enjoying all facilities within close proximity in the safest precinct of Port Moresby

Top of the City

Reaching up to 95.6 metres above ground level. Noble Center is the highest building ever in PNG and even the South Pacific Island Countries. It enjoys unbeatable views overlooking Fairfax Harbour, Ela Beach, Coral Sea to the fair side, Paga Hill and Touaguba Hill

Green Concept

Being the first Architectural Works to incorporate vertical landscaping concept, the building aims at creating gardenesque working environment. Meanwhile, automatic physical sun-shading system has been applied to all sides of the building to improve key energy performance. Due to the often dry and humid weather of Papua New Guinea, and the exposure of The Noble Center to direct sunlight, this concept was considered as a measure to control the peak of building heat. The shading device also achieves two objectives in addition to dramatically keeping heat at a minimum. It improves user visual comfort by controlling glare and reducing contrast ratios, and offers the opportunity of differentiating one building facade from another. This can provide interest and human scale to an otherwise undistinguished design.  

Convenience Redefined Functionally, the building is self-sufficient combining working, living and holistic facilities. The security of a building and its tenants is of paramount importance. High tech security systems relevant to a building’s design should be considered to ensure a safe and secure location for its occupants. With this in mind, The Noble Center has in place what it terms as a tenancy access control. The system allows tenants to access only their office, the floor on which their office is located, the lift, level 8 and the car park area. It’s the first layer of defense against unwanted visitors. Maintaining the access control system database in line with the tenants wishes is the foundation to the system’s integrity. As a safeguard to only allow the right people to enter the tenants’ offices, the shading device is managed through a condensed access control system. Dual reception from both Champion Parade and Stanley Esplanade provides more accessibility.  

Office Space Office spaces aim to offer easily achievable comfort level by passive design and façade/form control. Open floor plan is designed for flexible tenant use and brighter spatial quality. The interior design of the offices follows grand structural elegance with a clean modern touch  

Office with the Best View in Town Discover the stunning office life with exceptional quality. The Noble Center will incorporate a variety of cafeteria concepts and retailing with local and international starters, and modest prices to select. Tenants will enjoy all the amenities that come with occupying this graceful giant in the skyline of downtown, Port Moresby, as well as other additional exclusivities that are iconic, only, to this unique landmark structure - the tallest in Papua New Guinea and the pacific as a whole.  

For further information on Noble Center, please contact here: